Soft conflicts of nappali_het_01.fet Generated with FET 6.1.5 on 10/13/21 3:22 PM Number of broken soft constraints: 1 Total soft conflicts: 0.95 Soft conflicts list (in decreasing order): Time constraint min days between activities broken: activity with id=26 ( 2/3 - Markwarthné Lengyel Piroska Szilvia - EIS6-N - VTM21-N - Ájurvédikus dietetika - Vaisnava jógamester BA 3. évfolyam,Vaisnava teológia BA 3. évfolyam) conflicts with activity with id=25 (1/3 - Markwarthné Lengyel Piroska Szilvia - EIS6-N - VTM21-N - Ájurvédikus dietetika - Vaisnava jógamester BA 3. évfolyam,Vaisnava teológia BA 3. évfolyam), being 1 days too close, on days 09.10 - péntek and 09.10 - péntek, conflicts factor increase=0.95. The activities are placed consecutively in the timetable, because you selected this option in case the activities are in the same day End of file.